Next king tide

Sunday 2 March


Measure tides and learn about sea level rise

Measure tides and learn about sea level rise

King Tides AKL are thrilled to announce a new project to construct and install water level (tidal) gauges at public coastal locations that can be monitored by communities and schools. The process of capturing and providing water level data to King Tides AKL provides...

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Rising sea levels are also more subtle by far than a cyclone. NIWA and Auckland Council coastal scientists want us to get our heads around what sea levels may be like, not next year, but throughout our lifetimes and beyond. These scientists have also highlighted how a...

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The passage of a single year is but the merest blink of an eyelid when talking of king tides as the harbinger of potentially destructive rising sea levels. But 2014 nevertheless proved a massive year for the King Tides Auckland Initiative (King Tides AKL), which began...

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King Tides Countdown 13 August 2014

On Wednesday August 13th 2014, the King Tides Countdown was held at the Beca Auckland Office Auditorium in Auckland City.   Members of the King Tides AKL team broadcasted live stream and real-time photo images of King Tide hotspots from Auckland’s CBD during the...

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Photography: Giving a face to climate change

Photography is a powerful way to put a face to climate change and help us see, rather than imagine through facts and figures, the changes taking place in our environment. One of the pioneers of raising climate change awareness through imagery is scientist and...

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A little too much salt?

You know how they say too much is salt is bad for you, well it is not that great for your car or our sports fields either! Motorists in many waterfront areas around Auckland experienced some urban off-roading conditions when salt-water flooded roads during the King...

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Sinking ships or new opportunities?

Sinking ships or new opportunities?

As the City of Sails, Auckland has numerous marinas, jetties, pontoons and mooring locations around its coast. But just because it can float at the moment doesn't mean it always will. This photo taken during the King Tides of February 2014 shows Milford Marina...

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Will our infrastructure stay afloat?

Will our infrastructure stay afloat?

What will changes in sea levels mean for the future of Aucklands road and transport system? This photo captures the water spilling over onto Tamaki Drive during a calm King Tide on 1 February 2014. Understanding how our existing infrastructure is impacted by King...

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Changing how and where we play

Changing how and where we play

In Auckland our proximity to the coast means that many of our favourite places to play and relax are near the water. Some of these locations are strongly impacted by King Tides. Capturing evidence of King Tides in these places when they occur provides us the chance to...

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Thinking about our habitats and homes

Thinking about our habitats and homes

With so many of us living and working near the coast sharing the impacts of King Tides through photos provides valuable information on what we need to consider to ensure any impacts from sea level change are planned for, not reacted too. And it is not just our...

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Countdown to King Tides Auckland

Welcome to King Tides Auckland We are the King Tides Auckland initiative and our mission is to raise awareness of sea level rise and protect our amazing coastal areas for the future – and we need your help to do it! This Sunday heralds the inaugural King Tides...

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