by Ben Sheeran | Oct 17, 2018 | Blog
King Tides AKL are thrilled to announce a new project to construct and install water level (tidal) gauges at public coastal locations that can be monitored by communities and schools. The process of capturing and providing water level data to King Tides AKL provides...
by Ben Sheeran | Jun 22, 2017 | Blog
Based on an article by Shane Orchard, University of Canterbury. Background This project began in 1999 as a community response to the level of pollution in the Waitohu Stream. It is led by a volunteer group who devote considerable effort to ensuring that members feel...
by Ben Sheeran | Jun 13, 2017 | Blog
Based on an article by Shane Orchard, University of Canterbury. The design of shoreline protection initiatives is a cornerstone topic in the discourse on coastal climate change. Projects to restore degraded coastal margins are an important aspect of this field, and...
by Ben Sheeran | Sep 30, 2015 | Blog
As the impacts of sea level rise become more visible in the future, citizens will be faced with decisions on how they live their lives – where they live and work and how they travel and play. These decisions can be informed by information that is already in the...
by Ben Sheeran | May 27, 2015 | Blog
Rising sea levels are also more subtle by far than a cyclone. NIWA and Auckland Council coastal scientists want us to get our heads around what sea levels may be like, not next year, but throughout our lifetimes and beyond. These scientists have also highlighted how a...