Next king tide

Sunday 2 March

Plan your shoot

To help you get the best photos possible we have put together a quick guide to help plan your shoot, read on and may your photos never be blurry and your thumb never block the lens.

Knowing when to shoot

This map provides a list of dates and times when the highest high tides for the year are predicted to occur. We’ll also keep you posted on upcoming dates, times and heights of King Tide events during the year.

The best time to take photos for dramatic results is at the peak of the tide when water levels are at their highest.

As a general rule, the tide differences between the Port of Auckland on the east coast and Port of Onehunga on the west coast is approximately 3.5 hours.

Good spots to take pictures

You can pretty much take pictures from anywhere along the coast, however the more dramatic, powerful images can be collected from low lying areas that are already prone to flooding during king tides. Taking pictures where water levels can be gauged against known landmarks or infrastructure can also be visually quite powerful.

  • Infrastructure examples include roads, bridges, seawalls, wharves, jetties and boat ramps.
  • Natural environment examples include beaches, estuaries, coastal parkland and river mouths.

What other information do you need to include with your photos?

Many cameras and cell phones will automatically record the date and time that a photo was taken as part of the photos metadata. Make sure the date and time on your camera is correct to ensure accurate information is collected. You can also manually record information like date, time, location and orientation or direction the photos were taken and include this information manually when you upload your photos to social media or direct to the website.

If your camera has geo-location built in, make sure it is also turned on so this information can be recorded in the metadata.

If you are uploading the photos via the website please ensure you tell us the location and any other details that you think are relevant – we love interesting observations, opinions and thoughts.

When planning your photos ensure you also plan to be safe

Always consider your safety first. Have fun and be creative when taking your photos but most importantly, be safe!

Remember, water levels during these King Tide events will be higher than normal, so take extra precautions when walking along the coast, particularly if bad weather is also forecast.

Always be aware of the additional dangers posed by bad weather, slippery surfaces, big waves and higher than normal water levels.

Make sure you remain safe and let someone know where you are going!