Kingtidesakl event: 21.2.15
This is a site where dotterels (and many other sea birds) nest. When the king tides come in there is a danger that the nests will get washed away. Clifton Road Reserve Whitford. Dotterel nesting site
Tamaki drive just before the bridge to the Ngapipi Road intersection. Some motorist can’t resist the temptation to show off for a camera (I wonder if he would have been so brave if he knew it was salt water). Other motorists end up plowing through the water as the gentle left-hand bend makes the water hard to spot and the volume of traffic sometimes makes it hard to merge right. Bus vs Ocean 10.04am
Tamaki drive just before the bridge to the Ngapipi Road intersection. Small waves splash over the top of the sea wall. The water runs down the footpath and pools on the road. Tamaki Drive, near Ngapipi Road, Bus vs Ocean 10.04am
King Tide Onehunga, Manukau Harbour. High tide 1.21pm. The shags’ roosting island was nearly completely under water.
King Tide Mangere Bridge, Manukau Harbour. High tide 1.21pm. No beach to play on, but this little boy was super excited about the king tide. Mangere Bridge Reserve, Manukau Harbour 1.21pm
King Tide Mangere Bridge, Manukau Harbour. High tide 1.21pm. Power boat racing at the Mangere Boating Club. This boat could just about park with the cars. Mangere Boating Club, Manukau Harbour 1.21pm
King Tide Mangere Bridge, Manukau Harbour. High tide 1.21pm. Power boat racing at the Mangere Boating Club. Mangere Boating Club, Manukau Harbour 1.21pm
Pic 1: Tide out, taken at 11am (you can see from the brown grass that it is not unusual for this area to swamp) Pic 2: King Tide at its highest point at 1:40pm The water was high – but I think we’ve seen higher here before! 11am